
Saturday, March 29, 2014

There are few things I know about Chicago. They are as follow:

1. It is cold 95% of the time, and the wind is the worst, but when it is over, for the very very short time it is over, the summers are EPIC. Full disclosure, I don't actually know this, I haven't been here in the summer. But I take everyone's word for it.

2. Oprah

3. It's a grid- I'm slowly learning this.

4. The food. Oh the food.

5. St. Patrick's Day here is the most epic of all St. Patrick's Days.

I am going to focus on #5 in this post. I will keep you all posted on the others. I'm going to bet I'll never meet Oprah so that's just a fun fact for now.

Chicago-Go. Go.

Friday, March 21, 2014

they say you go when you're ready enough...


Well, shit. If I waited until I was 100% ready to do anything, I'd barely make it past opening a bottle of wine, because I'm's the day I'm going to start my diet, just kidding, I'll have a glass of wine. Today's the day I'm going to stop eating dairy. Amelia, who are you kidding you have to finish your wine from last night, or else it will go bad- and what goes better with wine than cheese? Wine wins. Wine always I've compromised and I'm having some vino while writing this.