mojito me.

Monday, July 21, 2014

I feel like I've been covering the exterior quite a bit. 

Figured it's time to bring it indoors, and show a little of our place.

There are still so many projects, and I'm going to do reveal posts as they completed if they ever get there!

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Let's start with the best part of the house, shall we?

I essentially stole this bar cart from Target- only $50. Yes, you read that correctly. It honestly is exactly what I was looking for and I get it for a crazy deal. Tar jey, I love you. 

I was a server/bartender in my life, so being able to craft homemade cocktails is seriously heaven. Tom definitely reaps the benefits, and damn do I make a good mojito. 

In my opinion, the bar cart should be the first project so you can drink your way through the others


It's still a work in progress, but I will now happily complete the rest, drink in tow. 

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>>bar cart print via etsy<<

>>cute little straws<<

onto the mojito making!

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>>the basics<<

>> the ingredients<<

 simple syrup / rum (obviously) / elderflower / blackberries / lime / mint

let's talk about elderflower, shall we? 

I think it's the literal best thing. I've had so many amazing craft cocktails since I moved to Chi, and it's typically the common denominator. So, I scooped some up.

Mojitos traditionally don't call for this, but I think it gives them an extra little something. And who doesn't like an extra little something?

It's personal preference, I do half simple syrup, half elderflower.

1. add blackberries into your shaker, and squeeze in fresh lime juice 

2. grab the sweet stuff. About half a shot of simple syrup & elderflower per drink (i was making two drinks here so stop judging for not being able to measure)

3. grab the mint leaves and pull from the stem

4. add those bad boys into the shaker along with the rum. How much rum, you wonder? As much as you want. That's how much.

if you have patience, i lack it, it's best to soak the mint in the simple syrup/elderflower and rum to really infuse those flavors. usually when i'm ready for a cocktail, i'm ready for it. 

the quick way around this is to muddle the mint leaves in the liquor/sweetener.

5. muddle everything for a good minute (the blackberries can be tricky)

like my bar tools? we haven't gotten a formal shaker / muddler. again, priorities.

>>i love the pink color that comes with these mojitos<<

6. select your mixer- i keep 3 la croix flavors on hand- mint, grape fruit and pear. 

(lime is the best, but i wanted to give the grapefruit a go)

mix 'er up and you've got a mojito! who needs vacation as an excuse to have one of these? I need a mini vacation after a crazy day at work and i'm guessing i'm not the only one. 

step 7: go outside and enjoy the nice weather (after the bachelorette is over, of course)!!



  1. I think I may be the only person in the world that does not like mojitos :( *hangs head in shame*

  2. i am in love with your straws. and ps---you should MAKE simple syrup, it's super EASY!!! :)

  3. That looks incredible. Even if there was mint la croix ;)

  4. I love the tip to start with the bar cart first so you can drink your way through the other projects...haha! I agree though, and who can say no to that delicious looking mojito?

    Another Beautiful Thing

    1. Haha yes, it definitely helps a ton! The bar cart should always be a top priority. <3
